
In 2014, I Heart Edmonton began to pay more attention to the literary talents of Edmonton, by reading and reviewing not only titles by Edmonton authors, but also books that are set in the Capital Region. Local Renaissance woman Paula E. Kirman and I Heart Edmonton have taken it upon ourselves to share our opinions on what Edmonton literary talent has to offer. Feel free to contact us if you have any titles you have to recommend.
(Caterina Edwards)

(Mila Bongco-Philipzig)

- Good Night Philippines, Good Night World 
(Mila Bongco-Philipzig)

- Red Socks Go With Absolutely Anything 
(Darla Woodley)

 - Caregiver's Guide for Canadians 
(Rick Lauber)

- Church Street...Where Hope Grows
(Patricia Travers & Sandra Franzoi)
(Ghada Ageel)

- In This Together 
(Danielle Metcalfe-Chenail)

 - A Twisted Fate: My Life with Dystonia 
(Brenda Currey Lewis)


- Rutherford the Time-Travelling Moose
(Thomas Wharton)

- Standard Candles 
(Alice Major)

- Seven Tales 
(G.C. McRae)

- A Year of Days 
(Myrl Coulter)

- The Outside Circle: A Graphic Novel
(Patti LaBoucane-Benson & Kelly Mellings)

- Trying Again to Stop Time 
(Carmen Taha Jarrah)

- Dancing Into Eternity 
(Alida Van Braeden)

- A Wake for the Dreamland 
(Laurel Deedrick-Mayne)

- Human on the Inside 
(Gary Garrison)

- Inching Back to Sane 
(Leif Gregersen

- kissing keeps us afloat 
(Laurie MacFayden)

- Blind Spot 
(Laurence Miall)

- Santa Rosa and North East 
(Wendy McGrath)

- Truth, Love, Non-Violence 
(Alexis Kienlen)

- The Occupied World 
(Alice Major)  

- Lightfinder 
(Aaron Paquette

- First and Jasper 
(Christine Falk)

- White Shirt 
(Laurie MacFayden)

- Rosina, the Midwife 
(Jessica Kluthe)

- 40 Below 
(Jason Lee Norman)
(Todd Babiak

(Jamie Friesen)

(Janice MacDonald)

(Marty Chan)


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