I♥Art/ Justina Smith
"The Right Track (Edmonton High Level Bridge Trolley)" BY EMIL TIEDEMANN W E'RE gonna try something new @ I Heart Edmonton , because it seems there's a shortfall when it comes to promoting one particular art scene. There's a ridiculous abundance of talented (& under appreciated) local artists whose craft starts at the tip of a paintbrush (etc.), and perhaps takes a backseat to area exhibits of music, theatre, and film. Local artist Justina Smith So, I recently asked Justina Smith (pictured left), who we had previously profiled almost a year ago, if she'd be willing to let us spotlight her mixed media piece " The Right Track " (pictured below) to kick off "I ♥ Art." "This painting was inspired by a walk I took in the river valley last fall," Smith told I Heart . "I was just looking for interesting shots of things to paint. I like painting old buildings and vintage vehicles, and thought having a painting of t