Star Wars: The Force Awakens on Optik TV First!

Be the first to own Star War s: T he Force Awakens by signing up to TELUS Optik TV! by emil tiedemann I T'S likely more difficult to run into someone who hasn't seen Star Wars: The Force Awakens , which has grossed more than $2 billion since it hit theatres in December. If you're itchin' to see it again, and don't want to wait until the Blu-ray comes out on April 5th, then you might want to pay attention! The best way to view 'Star Wars: The Force Awakens' is with an Optik TV PVR or DB! Star Wars: The Force Awakens will be available to own on TELUS Optik TV April 1st for just $25! That's four days before it comes out on Blu-ray and a full four weeks before you can rent it on any other TV provider in the country! With TELUS Optik TV, o nce you own it you can watch it as many times as you want for no extra cost! Plus, you don' t need any extra hardware when you purchase Star Wars: The Forc e Awakens through Optik TV fact , yo...