The Lure of K-Days!

Edmonton's biggest and oldest summer festival is back with exciting new rides, foods, a nd live mus ic! by emil tiedemann S UMMERTIME in Edmonton just wouldn't be the same without K-Days . For 10 days and nights every July, visitors and locals alike congregate at Northlands for the sites, sounds, and tastes of what has become our longest tradition here in Edmonton (since 1879). If you're from Edmonton, you've been to K-Days! This Ferris Wheel is just one of the 53 rides at this year's K-Days (July 22-31)! I was in my single digits when I got my first taste of Klondike Days, way back in the '80s , a nd it was spectacular! The bells and alarms coming from the giant steel amusement rides, the smell of greasy goodies, and all those flashing lights glowing in the warm summer night. These are memories forever etched into my mind, memories that are conjured up this time of the year, without fail. And although our family has changed a lot over those years...