A Few Minutes with...Ryan Jespersen
Host. Humanitarian. Husband... Breakfast Television 's Ryan Jespersen ( that's three e's ) wears many hats, and recently let 'I Heart' take a peek underneath them... BY EMIL TIEDEMANN W HAT I'm about to tell you may shock you. It might anger you. It may even make you want to grab your computer screen and toss it across the room into your pile of I Heart Edmonton memorabilia! Ryan Jespersen , charitable & personable co-host of Citytv 's Breakfast Television , is a Calgarian !! That's right, born and raised in our southern rival, yet living among us! But before you start your online petitions, you should know something else about Mr. Jespersen. He's come to love Edmonton just as much as we do. In fact, you might even call Jespersen, 33, an ambassador of our city, taking every opportunity available to promote and/or celebrate all the fascinating locals and the countless things to see 'n' do in Edmonton. "I try to reflect what people wa