Be Seen In Jeans/ River City Round Up 2012
Don't miss out on this fun festival coming to Edmonton November's gonna be a wild ride! BY JULIA HORN J EANS were originally worn by farmers or miners because of their strength and resistance. But these fancy pants eventually became the most popular garment around. The "rednecks" still appreciate the practical denim wear, but nowadays the "city slickers" do so, too. Well, I admit that jeans aren't really appropriate in director meetings or city council assemblies, and that's why there's this fantastic program called " Be Seen In Jeans ." It takes place in line with the River City Round Up festival, which happens next week, November 2-11 . It is a 10-day celebration of Edmonton's agriculture and western heritage, which includes lots of fun stuff, such as the aforementioned "Be Seen In Jeans" initiative. The River City Round Up is promoting you to put on your denim for the "Be Seen In Jean...