
Showing posts from November, 2012

E-Spot/ The Enjoy Centre

"Whether you're shopping for organic food or spending a relaxing day at the spa, chances are you can find it here--at the Enjoy Centre" BY EMIL TIEDEMANN The Enjoy Centre is one of St. Albert's hidden gems, located at the edge of the city, just of the Anthony Henday.  R EFLECT, relax, reconnect. Those are three words St. Albert 's Enjoy Centre swears by, making sure that its customers are well looked after. The tucked away facility is unique to the area, harbouring a variety of more elite services, from a whole foods market to a spa centre. And most folks I know are simply unaware of its existence. Or it at least seems that way. Most people I ask have never even heard of the Enjoy Centre, much less "experienced" it. And how could one blame them? If you try to find your way to the centre ( 101 Riel Drive ), you'll notice it's not exactly in your face, but rather practically hidden in a spot you couldn't possibly have accidentally dr...

Christmas Bow Blues Benefit, 2012

Vancouver-based blues singer Dalannah Gail Bowen will headline Food Bank benefit concert BY EMIL TIEDEMANN " B OWEN has one of those voices that lays claim to part of your soul the first time you hear it and never lets go," wrote a critic for Canadian Musician Magazine . He was boasting about Vancouver blues singer Dalannah Gail Bowen , who's been a part of Canada's music scene for more than 40 years. Vancouver's Dalannah Gail Bowen will be performing at the 'Christmas Bow Benefit' show on Dec. 9.  The outspoken activist got her start as part of The Feminine Touch , an all-female group that toured to support The Monkees and The Guess Who . On her own Bowen's opened for the likes of Led Zeppelin , B.B. King , and Willie Dixon . Earlier this year she launched her newest record, Them Menz , songs likely moulded out of recollections of health scares, addiction, and surviving homelessness. Songs that you most likely will hear live if you catch ...

Music Clip of the Month/ 11-12

Corb Lund's "Dig Gravedigger Dig" (2012) BY EMIL TIEDEMANN 'Cabin Fever' (2012) is Edmonton-born Corb Lund's 7th studio album, but only the second to be issued in the U.S., via New West Records. " H E could be makin' more money, he could be out workin' the rigs. But he says he don't really like no company, he says he'd rather just dig." That's from Edmonton-born Corb Lund 's latest "Dig Gravedigger Dig." It's a suitable theme for the title of the roots artist's 7th studio album, Cabin Fever (New West Records), which debuted at the top of the Canadian charts in August. It even registered south of the border, where the 12-track set (two additional tracks available only on iTunes) climbed to #51 on their country list. His first disc to dent a U.S. chart. The former Grant MacEwan music student started his post-studies music ventures when he founded The Smalls , an Edmonton-based hard rock band, in 198...

Jasper Avenue Under Construction

A year seems like a long time to wait until construction has been completed on downtown's Jasper strip, but there's no doubting it'll be worth the wait BY JULIA HORN A shot of the current state of Edmonton's Jasper Ave. construction zone. Photo by Julia Horn.  P EOPLE say there are only two seasons in Edmonton: winter (which is a big deal indeed) and construction. And since winter has obviously begun, I am probably not the only person who is wondering why Jasper Avenue still looks like a confusing mix of sand, concrete, and many, many fences. Crossing the street happens to be a dangerous act, since the traffic lights are unreachable, due to the-- surprise, surprise --fences. That makes people walk across the street randomly, and if there's a car coming, just run for it. That sounds almost like the main street in Mumbai, where you just start crossing and pray to Lord that cars manage to dodge you. But of course, in Edmonton, it's not as bad. The cons...

A Few Minutes With...Roman Danylo

Before Roman Danylo comes through Etown as part of his country-wide Just For Laughs Comedy Tour, the Canadian TV comic graciously answered some questions for one of his not-so-secret! BY EMIL TIEDEMANN Calgary comic Roman Danylo is in Edmonton this Friday (Nov. 16).  I 'VE been to enough stand-up shows to know that there's a sense of camaraderie between the comics that brave the stage. Sure, they might nip at each other from time to time, but there seems to be a genuine sense of support amongst them. That could explain why when I asked award-winning comedian Roman Danylo to name a current comic he thinks is overrated, he refrained. I'm sure Danylo had a suggestion or two, but I've come to the conclusion that there's perhaps an unwritten rule amongst his colleagues that advises you stay clear of peer ridicule. Instead, Danylo eagerly endorsed an under rated comic, in Miami stand-up Brian Regan . "He, to me, is clearly the best stand-up c...