Happy New Year, Edmonton!

10, 9, 8, 7, 6.... I T'S only hours before we say goodbye (& good riddance) to 2011, and gladly welcome in 2012. I know many of you have already begun the festivities & celebrations, and others are in fact days in. Others, not so much. Whatever the case, ' I Heart Edmonton ' wants to say thank you for all your support in '11, Edmonton. I know we were only half-assin' it this year, but we're gonna try and full-ass it this time 'round. That's right, I just say FULL-ASS !! Also, we hope 2012 is good to all of you, better or even better than 2011 was. Please continue to check in when you can, don't drink & drive, play safe, use protection, don't eat yellow snow, no means no, and all that other hoopla. Take care, Edmonton, and see you in the new year. Happy 2012!!!! Emil Tiedemann , "I Heart Edmonton" December 31, 2011