
Showing posts from June, 2015

#10things To Do In Edmonton This WKD / July 3-5

Be on the up of what's going down this weekend in Edmonton! by emil tiedemann E DMONTON is a sociable town full of all kinds of things to do! From concerts, theatre productions and sporting events to conventions, movies and dozens of annual festivals, you'll never be bored in Festival City ! Here's a list of 10 of the coolest things happening this upcoming weekend in and around the Edmonton area! 1/ Edmonton International Street Performers Festival July 3 - 12 @ Sir Winston Churchill Square StreetFest is a curated event, which means all of the top talent that comes to this event from around the world have been invited to come! This unique summertime tradition is 100% free to attend and is for all ages, all though there is a pass-the-hat donation suggestion for the artists! The Street Performers Festival is July 3-12 at Churchill Square   2/ The Freewill Shakespeare Festival June 23 - July 19 @ Heritage Amphitheatre (Hawrelak Park) This season of this ou...

Once Upon a Time in Graceland

It'll take only the sounds of Elvis himself to break an evil curse bestowed upon the entire Enchanted Forest in Jubilations' latest musical production by emil tiedemann O NCE again, Jubilations Dinner Theatre in West Edmonton Mall has outdone themselves! Their production of Once Upon a Time in Graceland is nothing short of the optimal night out for anyone who likes good music, impressive performances, and delicious food!   Once Upon a Time in Graceland runs at Jubilations from June 19 - August 23 "When I first spoke to our writer Joseph Davies about this project," wrote director Randy Apostle , "all I had was this title and the idea of spoofing a popular fantasy TV show." From there the story magically came together, exploring a fairytale land where the likes of Snow White, Prince Charming, and a group of aptly-named dwarfs must lure the sounds of the "King" - one Elvis Presley - to lift a curse cast upon them from the Evil Queen....

Becoming Marni

Edmonton transgender advocate Marni Panas' journey transitioning into her true self by emil Tiedemann I F you can, try to imagine growing up in the wrong body. Imagine having the mind, the heart, the soul of one gender, but the physical frame of another. Imagine being trapped behind a veil for most of your life, no one able to see you wholly. Most of us have never had to imagine such a thing, because most of us are born into the body we were meant to encompass. Most of us, but not all of us.  Beautiful inside and out, transgender advocate Marni Panas “In September 2012, I was looking at a picture taken of me on a beach in North Carolina,” remembered transgender advocate and social activist Marni Panas . “And I cried and cried and cried. For the first time in my life, I saw ME looking back. It was one of the most profound moments of my life.” It took her more than 40 years before she was able to find herself in the mirror, to see beyond the mask that bound her own authent...

A Few Minutes with...Dr. Kristopher Wells

The Kids Are Alright! Dr. Kris Wells advocates for LGBTQ+ youth through his work with iSMSS and Camp fYrefly by emil Tiedemann “ I  WATCHED as the whole school erased his identity as though he had never existed,” recalled Dr. Kris Wells , assistant professor at the University of Alberta and director of its Institute for Sexual Minority Studies and Services , referring to a gay former student of his who took his own life. “I was that same kid; I remember the razor blade at my own wrists at 15. I made a different choice than he did. From that point on, I left teaching.”  Dr. Kris Wells is one of the most recognized & respected LGBTQ+ advocates in Edmonton, known for his work with the University of Alberta Wells returned to teaching when a friend introduced him to a group for gay and lesbian youth.  “And that’s when I came back to the University of Alberta to try to understand what was happening in our schools and try to change it,” he said.  He jo...

Canada Day 2015 in Edmonton

There'll be no shortage of ways to celebrate our nation's birthday in Edmonton this Canada Day! by emil tiedemann C ANADA'S gettin' up there, I gotta say! 148 years old! But she's still just as beautiful as the day she became Canada, on July 1, 1867. Ever since then, Canucks have been shooting off fireworks, waving the maple leaf, and sippin' on "adult" beverages to celebrate the #1 country in the whole wide world!  This Canada Day, a Wednesday , there will be plenty of things to do with your family, your buddies, your significant other, strangers or even by yourself if you prefer. Below we've made it easy for you, and listed most of the events happening in and around Edmonton! Happy Canada Day, eh! And by the way, Edmonton Transit Service will be operating all bus routes on their regular Sunday schedule throughout the day, with regular fares applying. The LRT will operate on a 10 minute frequency after 10AM until the end of the service...