Review/ The Outside Circle: A Graphic Novel
The struggles of two Aboriginal brothers are explored in The Outside Circle , a compelling graphic novel that centres around an all too common outcome By Paula E. Kirman A BORIGINAL people have a much higher rate of living in poverty, addictions, violence, and falling into the prison system. That is what centuries of historical trauma, like residential schools, have done. The Outside Circle: A Graphic Novel (House of Anansi Press) The graphic novel The Outside Circle tells the story of two Aboriginal brothers, Pete and Joey, who live with their heroin addict mother. Pete is involved in a gang and kills his mother's abusive boyfriend in a fight. While in prison, Pete comes to realize the bad influence he has been on his younger brother, who also ends up in the system. Pete begins a journey of healing that centres heavily upon traditional Aboriginal healing circles and ceremonies. Spruce Grove-based author Patti LaBoucane-Benson is Metis and the Director of Resear...