Fitset Sets Up in Edmonton

Fitset is set to fit Edmontonians with the best in fitness, and is kicking things off with a launch party on May 23rd!

By Emil Tiedemann

THE warm weather is finally here, and so that means there'll be plenty of you hitting up the gym to shed those few extra pounds or to tone up for those glorious shirtless days of summer!

Fitset YEG
As much as some of you enjoy breaking a sweat, in whatever fashion you fancy, you might be growing tired of the drawbacks of those giant chain gyms. The abundance of people, the lack of interaction, the pushy salesman, and worst of all, the unreasonable memberships. 

For some people they're simply bored with their gym routine, day in and day out running the treadmill at one of those big box gyms they heard about from some million-dollar TV commercial. 

Now's your chance to break free of your routine and try something completely different! It's called Fitset, and it's about to change the way Edmonton gets in shape and stays that way.

Fitset YEG offers nearly 30 unique boutique studios across the city!

"We are a new type of fitness pass that gives access to our city's best locally owned boutique fitness studios," explains Tim Gourlay, co-founder of Fitset Edmonton. 

"Members can explore their city and attend a different studio every day or hit up any one single studio up to three times in the month. Our goal is to make fitness super accessible, desirable and fun!"

Edmonton is the fifth Canadian city to adopt Fitset, following Toronto, Montreal, Ottawa and Calgary, and have already partnered with 28 local studios that specialize in all kinds of fitness options, including weightlifting, boxing, cycling, Pilates, dance, kickboxing, rock climbing, yoga, and fusion fitness. 

Fitset YEG is the 5th Fitset location in Canada!

All of that for just $99 a month. No contracts, no obligations! 

And it doesn't matter what side of the city you're on, because Fitset studio partners are on every corner of Edmonton, including Sherwood Park.

If you'd like to get a taste of what you're in for, come down to Holland Plaza - graciously donated by Anton Morgulis of 76 Development - for the Fitset YEG Launch event on Saturday, May 23 (6PM). 

"Wear your workout gear and be prepared to sweat."  

You can also follow them on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.


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