A Few Minutes With...Nolan Crouse

St. Albert Mayor Nolan Crouse goes above and beyond his duties, sparing plenty of his free time to make St. Albert one of the best places to live in Canada... BY EMIL TIEDEMANN I T'S easy to see that Nolan Crouse loves his city. It's written all over his Facebook page, which seems to be crowded with statuses congratulating local high school grads, and of folks thanking him for making an appearance at any number of events, or posts alerting residents of recent criminal activity...an infrequency, btw, in the city of St. Albert . St. Albert Mayor Nolan Crouse was named Coach of the Year by Hockey Alberta (1990), the Slave Lake Region (1991), and Alberta Major Bantam (1996 and 1999). There's even photographs of things such as graffiti, in which Crouse proposes "let's find ways to rid ourselves of graffiti and report all this garbage." Clearly, Crouse is dedicated to making St. Albert a great place to live, work, or simply visit. In fact, that's his...