
Showing posts from 2016

Edmonton's Music Scene Is FORGING Ahead!

Although the local music scene has taken a hit in the last couple of years, Edmonton is on the forefront of an exciting new musical landscape by emil tiedemann D ESPITE some disheartening setbacks in Edmonton's music scene over the last couple of years, namely the closure of some beloved performance venues and the "send off" of Joe Gurba 's Old Ugly Recordings , there's new hope for live music fans on the horizon. Some of Edmonton's talented musicians! We saw musical landmarks like The Artery, The Pawn Shop, and Wunderbar close their doors for good last year, but there have been others that have eagerly taken the baton.  A year ago, The Almanac opened on Whyte, followed by The Sewing Machine Factory this year, while The Needle Vinyl Tavern and The Chvrch of John created some much-needed stage space in the downtown soon after, collectively providing live music seven days a week! In January, YEG Music launched as an effort to support and pro...

#yeg Video of the Month/ Nov. '16

The Young 's " Living the Dream " (2016) ( Directed by The Y oung )  

11 Reasons to Look Forward to Winter in Edmonton

Edmonton has learned to embrace its winter months with arms wide op en! by emil tiedemann W E tend to panic just a little bit as soon as October hits Edmonton, because we are all aware that that means we're headed into the season of scraping ice off of our windshields as we let our vehicles warm up.  All we can think of is cold and snowy conditions, even though that's not always the case for those winter months. Sometimes we get lucky, and our Edmonton winter is mild compared to previous seasons , such as last winter's unseaso nabl y warm temperatures. Wintertime in Edmonton is picturesque! However, no matter the conditions, there are those folks who just HATE winter in Edmonton! And it's for those people that I wanted to put together a list of reasons why they should actually look forward to these upcoming months. There's always a silver lining, after all.  So, without further ado, here are 1 1 reasons to look forward to winter (and the months pr...

What's Your Edo Noodlefull Bowl Personality?!

M atch your personality with any of Edo's Top 5 fav ourite Noodlefull Bowl selections, here for a limited time! by emil tiedemann W HEN you're on a daily work sche dule five day s a week , ever ything else in your life can easily become just as routine, including what and whe re you eat. Why not throw a wrenc h in your daily reg imen and try something different for a change ! Edo ’s Noodlefull Bowl consists of ramen style noodles, premium veggies, the choice of chicken or beef, and is topped with Edo’s signature teriyaki sauce. The premium vegetable mix consists of snow peas, broccoli, and thick cuts of red pepper and carrot. However, customers can also choose a no meat option and get a second serving of the premium vegetables instead. For protein lovers, there is an option to add shrimp, or double the meat serving of chicken or beef. For some added spice, customers can also add Edo’s complimentary chili sauce to their bowl. Now that we ha ve the ba...

#yeg Video of the Month / Oct. '16

We Were Friends ' " Down on Me " (2016) ( Directed by Ken Nemetcheck )

Shaw's WideOpen Internet 150 is a Game-Changer!

Shaw now offers WideOpen Internet 150, fast and affordable access to content anywhe re and anytime! by emil tiedemann B LOGGING is my life . Or at least a big part of it , I should say. I was n't one of th ose folks who jumped aboard back in the early emergence of the blog, but once the bug bit me, I was hooked!  WideOpen Internet 150 offers the speed you want and so much more. And it’s available in nearly every neighbourhood – at a super low price . B ack then, however, we didn't have tablets or high speed smartphones to help ease the access and distrib ution of online content . Facebook and Twitter were just infants, and I nstagram and Snapchat weren't even ideas yet. As every year passes, blogging has become easier, quicker, and so muc h mo re efficien t, as technology advances and offers up something bigger and better than before.  This year is no exception, as Shaw rolls out its WideOpen Internet 150 , providing ultra- fast Internet speeds that are...