Edmonton Makes the List...Again & Again!

As Edmonton continues to grow in all facets, the world takes note! By Emil Tiedemann Every other week it seems as though there's yet another praise-worthy list Edmonton has popped up on, affirming our humble hometown's advancements in everything from food to finances. There's been so much love for #yeg over the last few years alone actually that it's hard to keep up with it all, and so I've decided to save y'all the time and effort by listing the lists right here in one spot! The world shows love for #yeg! Photo by Mike Isaak . If you're like me, you've always known that Edmonton's been a pretty amazing place to call home, but there's just no denying that over the last several years Edmonton has blossomed and evolved into a place that folks from around the world have started to take notice of. How could they not, though! I mean, it's all around us. It's Ice District and Rogers Place. It's the new Royal Alberta Muse...