Pink Shirt Promises

Shaw is partnering up with Canadian organizations to promote Safer Internet Day and their #PinkShirtPromise & #PinkyPromise campaigns (Feb. 9-24) against cyberbullying

by emil tiedemann
WE'VE likely all experienced some sort of online bullying or hostility, from harassing messages to slander or inappropriate posts. Watch the news and you'll realize that these things can precipitate into something tragic. That's why it is the responsibility of each and every one of us, whether you use social media or not, to put an end to cyberbullying and online harassment

Shaw Communications has stepped up as a leader in the campaign to make our Internet safer, through its SHAW PINK SHIRT PROMISES, a national campaign aimed at ending bullying across Canada. For more than 20 years, Shaw has partnered with leading Canadian organizations that provide award-winning programs and resources on anti-bullying, online safety, and digital literacy. 

This year, Shaw would like to encourage people to spread positive messages in the stand against bullying by making a #PinkyPromise or a #PinkShirtPromise to specific friends on their social media channels from February 9th leading up to and during PINK SHIRT DAY on February 24, 2016. 

“Bullying is destructive, emotionally damaging, and, in some cases, deadly, and no child should have to suffer from its harmful and negative effects,” said Brad Shaw, Chief Executive Officer, Shaw Communications Inc. “Shaw’s #PinkShirtPromise campaign is a powerful initiative that gives us the ability to work closely with our partners to create safer environments for children and youth – whether at school, at home, or online.”

All you need to do is snap a photo of your pinky and/or a photo of you and a friend making a pinky promise, and then post your #PinkyPromise as the caption of your photo along with the hashtag #PinkShirtPromise! Nominate three friends (or more!) to do the same on your social media network.

To support #PinkShirtPromise and enable participants to more easily post and share their promises, Shaw will open up its Shaw Go WiFi Guest Network, with access to 75,000 active hotspots across the country, on Pink Shirt Day. Shaw Internet subscribers already have access to the Shaw Go WiFi service; others can access the Guest Network by searching for available WiFi connections on their devices and selecting ‘ShawGuest’ from the list of available options. A full list of locations is available HERE, or by downloading the Shaw Go WiFi Finder app. 

Through the Shaw Kids Investment Program (SKIP), #PinkShirtPromise brings together the expertise, knowledge, and resources of community partners from across the country. Key SKIP partners include Youthlink Calgary, Canadian Centre for Child Protection, Kids Help Phone, MediaSmarts, Companies Committed to Kids, and Rock Solid Foundation.

For every promise and pinky promise made, participants will be entered to win a trip to Toronto for an exclusive ET Canada experience. All residents of Canada (excluding Quebec) who submit a written promise about what they will do to end bullying via social media by Wednesday, February 24, 2016, will be eligible to be entered into a draw for a chance to win the Grand Prize of a flight for two to Toronto, two nights hotel accommodation, an Entertainment Tonight Canada Experience and a $1,500 dollar shopping spree to an Ivanhoe Cambridge mall!

It all kicks off with the Canadian Centre for Child Protection’s Safer Internet Day (SID), which happens to be TODAY (February 9)! Over the years, Safer Internet Day has become a landmark event in the online safety calendar. Starting as an initiative of the EU SafeBorders project in 2004 and taken up by the Insafe network as one of its earliest actions in 2005, Safer Internet Day has grown beyond its traditional geographic zone and is now celebrated in more than 100 countries worldwide, and across all continents, including right here in Edmonton.


From cyberbullying to social networking, each year Safer Internet Day aims to raise awareness of emerging online issues and chooses a topic reflecting current concerns. For SID 2016, the focus of the day is "PLAY YOUR PART FOR A BETTER INTERNET," reflecting the fact that we all have a role to play. 

Together, we can make a difference! #PinkShirtPromise #PinkyPromise


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