
Showing posts from February, 2016

Pink Shirt Day

February 24th marks the 9th annual anti-bullying Pink Shirt Day campaign across the country! by emil tiedemann “ B ULLYING is destructive, emotionally damaging, and, in some cases, deadly, and no child should have to suffer from its harmful and negative effects,” said Brad Shaw , Chief Executive Officer, Shaw Communications Inc. “Shaw’s #PinkShirtPromise campaign is a powerful initiative that gives us the ability to work closely with our partners to create safer environments for children and youth – whether at school, at home, or online.”  That's why Shaw Communications has teamed up with various organizations and groups to celebrate Pink Shirt Day ( Feb. 24 ), a way to promote and encourage conversation about bullying in schools and online.  Today, Pink Shirt Day, Southgate Centre invites everyone to wear a pink shirt to support the cause, and take part in the #PinkShirtPromise school rally and activities at Southgate Centre from 10am – 11am in the west atri

#yeg Video of the Month (February '16)

Savage Playground's "Infatuation" (2015) Directed by Barrett Klesko  

The 30 Day #buyYEG Challenge

Do you think you can eat, dri nk, shop, and play local for 30 days? Join the chall enge! by emil tiedemann I T'S tough out there for a lot of folks r ight now, as the economy s hows no signs of recover y for at least the near future. That means that many of us are searching for th at best possible deal on everything from groc eries to oil cha nges.  Pick a day, any day, and start your own 30 DAY #BUYYEG CHALLENGE! That means that many Edmontonians will likely turn to the online sources or bi g b ox retailers such as Wal m art or Superstore for what ever it is they might need, or pull i nto one of the many shopping malls for th at on e-stop-shop conveni ence. You can't exactly hold that aga inst someone, especially in times like these.  However, there are also plenty o f folks like myself, who were not (yet) directly a ffected by the low oil prices and falling loonie ; p eo ple who may be able to spend an extra few bucks on groc eries and oil changes . Don

Review/ A Twisted Fate: My Life with Dystonia

Brenda Currey Lewis' A Twisted Fate sheds some much needed light on dystonia, a de bilitating disease that has "turned her muscles against her" by emil tiedemann W E, as human beings, are built to take things for granted. We sorta have to, or we'd be in this constant state of awe and appreciation, thanking the birds for their songs, the clouds for the rain, and the people we love just for being them. It all sounds nice, but also kind of exhausting. It took Edmonton's Brenda Currey Lewis about five years to pen her 240-page memoir depicting her life with dystonia, ' A Twisted Fate .' It's those simplest of daily activities and routines, from taking a shower to driving to work each morning, that we start to regard as pesky obligations and necessities, even chores. For others, such as Edmonton's Brenda Currey Lewis , there isn't much that is taken for granted.  Lewis has generalized dystonia, a state of abnormal muscle ton