
Showing posts from August, 2015

Around the World with a Cause

Local activist David Tonner has set off on a journey that he hopes will see him instigate positive social change in every country on the planet, all on a dim budget! by emil tiedemann #yeg activist David Tonner W HAT am I supposed to do with my life?! It's a question that we've all asked ourselves at some point in our day-in & day-out grinds, pursuing some sort of particular purpose. Are we all meant to do something special? To find meaning in our daily being? To make a difference in the lives of others? Who knows! But it's always been something that Montreal-born activist David Tonner has questioned, from his days of traveling country to country with his family to his more recent excursion in which he drove around Canada and the U.S. alone in a camper van. It's never necessarily simply been for something to do, or for some extreme adventure, or to prove something to someone (other than himself, I guess). Nope, there's always been more meaningful...

TELUS & Esks Team Up for Free Wi-Fi

Anyone who attends an Esks game at Commonwealth will now have access to free Wi-Fi on your smartphones & tablets by emil tiedemann S MARTPHONES have become a part of our daily lives, whether we like it or not. We use them to snap pictures of what we're about to stuff down our gullets; we use them to show our annoyed table guests YouTube clips of cats beating up dogs; we use them as flashlights to guide us through our apartments for those midnight pee sessions; sometimes we even use them to call people! Friday, August 21st is 'Social Media Night' as the Edmonton Eskimos take on the Hamilton Tiger-Cats at Commonwealth Stadium! So that means that they're with us pretty much everywhere we go...and I mean every where! But what doesn't tag alongside us is that elusive complimentary Wi-Fi service, allowing us to Instagram our altered selfies or Tweet about how much we hate people who Instagram altered selfies, and all for FREE! This installation will now...

'MAN UP!' Challenges Our Perceptions of Societal Norms

Nothing's off limits for four brave (& fabulous) men in heels who embrace their vulnerabilities to redefine masculinity in their "sinfully flawless" Fringe show by emil tiedemann I T'S perfectly normal for a young boy to venture into their mom's closet to try on a pair of her bright red or leopard-skin high heels. It doesn't mean he's odd or that he's going to grow up to be some sort of weirdo with a foot fetish; and it certainly doesn't ensure that your son is going to be gay! It's quite natural.  The cast of 'MAN UP!' from left to right: Jordan Sabo as Kidd Crimson, Gregory Caswell as Tres Debonair, CJ Rowein as Rusty Kingfisher, and Joshua Wolchansky as Fitzgerald Bitchwilliam III! But, if your son is like most young boys who try on mama's 3-inch pumps, then he's most likely doing it when you're not home or at least not watching. He does it in private, because our society has become so indoctrinated with th...

21 Reasons Why West Ed Is Perfect for Your Next Staycation!

Who needs to buy plane tickets when you have everything you need under just one roof?! by emil tiedemann L ET'S face it, West Edmonton Mall will always by synonymous with Edmonton in general. But what's so bad about that! Besides, our hometown has evolved expeditiously in the last five years alone and has now become so much more than just "that place with the big mall." We're the Oilers, the Eskimos; we're Whyte Avenue and the Art Gallery of Alberta; we are the Fringe and Folk Fests, "Festival City" and always the "City of Champions"; and of course we're the upcoming Ice District. And we're West Edmonton Mall, too.  More than 32 million people visit West Edmonton Mall every year! That's almost the entire population of Canada! And although it is no longer the world's largest shopping centre, West Ed will always remain one of the most sought-after tourist attractions province-wide, and in fact is a popular stayca...