Transforming the Former Royal Alberta Museum Building Into a #YEG Festival Headquarters

By Emil Tiedemann O VER the last few years, since construction commenced on the new and improved $375 million Royal Alberta Museum building just across the street from City Hall in downtown Edmonton, officials and citizens alike have been wondering what to do with the old building, a landmark of the Glenora neighbourhood, which lies just west of the downtown. The new facility opened to much fanfare in October 2018, while the former home will remain occupied until 2020, as staff continues to transfer artifacts. The grounds of the former Royal Alberta Museum (in the Glenora neighbourhood) also includes the Government House building and plenty of green space. Photo by 'Edmonton Journal.' The original marble and granite building first opened its doors in December 1967 and has accumulated some 50 years of history for Edmontonians and visitors to our humble hometown. It's in sorta decent shape (minus some leaks, mould, and asbestos) and is in a prime location near the...