I Heart Edmonton Goes to the Movies
With the summer coming to an end, movies make a good night-out when the mercury drops, so we're here to guide you through the good, the bad and the ugly BY EMIL TIEDEMANN As you may have noticed, I Heart Edmonton has recently taken it upon itself to review the latest movies, big or small. I know, exciting, right?! We posted the first review yesterday, after deciding that Quentin Tarantino 's intriguing take on the Nazi-occupied France era, Inglourious Basterds , would be the premiere film for I Heart 's "@ the Movies " segment. It was a great place to start, I must say. (For quick reference, check out the latest titles we've reviewed in the sidebar links titled " I Heart @ the Movies "). Now you might wonder what movies have to do with a site dedicated to the city of Edmonton, right? Well it's simple, really. Edmonton has plenty of movie theatres dispersed throughout the city, and in the winter season going to the movies is a perfect night out