Global Visions Film Fest, 2012

The 30th annual GVFF will screen some of the year's most socially relevant documentaries from around the world, over four days BY EMIL TIEDEMANN The 30th annual GVFF is March 1-4. C ANADA'S longest-running documentary film festival, Global Visions , is celebrating its 30th year! Not too shabby for a small-time event that started up 29 years ago at the Edmonton Learners Centre , as the Third World Film Festival, "dedicated to presenting socially relevant films from around the world exploring issues of social, economic, and environmental development. "Our mandate is to promote film and video as catalysts for reflection, discussion, and responsible action," claims the GVFF, which runs this year from March 1-4 at various venues throughout the city. "We operate from the understanding that the world is getting smaller, and that all people are diverse, interconnected, interdependent citizens of the global village." The 4-day event will showcase fe...