
Showing posts from December, 2010

Oil + Octane

Our Oilers welcome Canada's first NHL cheer team, the Octane BY EMIL TIEDEMANN 1 9 beautiful young ladies stepped out onto the ice at Rexall Place tonight, to perform as Canada's first cheer team in hockey. The squad, christened Oilers Octane , will appear at Oilers home games, special events, and charity functions as ambassadors of both Edmonton and the Oilers Hockey Club . Meant to "enhance the in-game experience," according to Oilers president Patrick LaForge , Octane are nothing new to the National Hockey League though, joining 23 other squads in the league. All south of the border. I'm sure it's only a matter of time before Calgary jumps on board. Aged 18-29, the ladies competed amongst more than 100 hopefuls, and were selected with the help of some of the Oilers' wives. All but two are from Alberta, including 13 from the Edmonton area. You can watch videos, check out photos, or buy Octane merchandise at their official club page . By the way

Music Clip of the Month/ 12-10

Colin Close's "I Don't Need (Your Bentley's)" (2010) " I T was only just this morning when local musician Colin Close was "talking with a friend of mine who is really gonna run the world he lives, plays, and works in someday soon. He was having a hard morning," Close explains. "And some stuff had gotten him down. So he asked me, 'how many Bentley's you want when things go good?,' and all I could say was 'I don't need no Bentley's, man'." Close, who participated in an interview with I Heart Edmonton back in May, told me that when he got off the phone with his buddy, "I started thinking about my own life, and all the things I don't really need." And, in the words of one Emeril Lagasse , ' BAM! ' A song was born. In his humble apartment, Close picked up his guitar, set up his camera, and shot this video earlier today. When he posted it on Facebook I suggested he name the untitled so

Edmonton's 'Top 40 Under 40,' 2010

Once again, Edmonton's Avenue magazine names our city's 'Top 40 Under 40' who are making a difference right here at home BY EMIL TIEDEMANN L AST year Avenue tried something new. The local monthly magazine set out to find our city's "brightest and most talented individuals under the age of 40 who are excelling in their careers, giving back to the community and raising our city's profile." In other words, Edmonton's " Top 40 Under 40 ." The fine folks over at Avenue put out the call early off, asking readers to nominate worthy candidates. They responded with more than 200 nominations, each of which would have to submit a list of accolades and references, as well as some background information, a resume, and reasons why they should be considered for the Top 40. Once that task was complete, Avenue staff set out to determine who was the most deserving, trimming the selections down to a short list of 65. The Top 40 was chosen from there by

@ the Movies/ 127 Hours

James Franco explores the edge of desperation in Danny Boyle's rousing take on a real-life journey of survival BY EMIL TIEDEMANN I T takes a movie like Danny Boyle 's 127 Hours to open our eyes to just how integral the right director is to a story, and to developing it for the big screen. Essentially, Boyle ( Slumdog Millionaire, 28 Days Later ) takes a true story that easily could have burnt out half way through, and converts it into a visionary chronicle, pierced by the enticing and peculiar score of Oscar winner A.R. Rahman ( Slumdog Millionaire ). That true story belongs to mountain climber (& now public speaker) Aron Ralston , who spent... wait for it ...127 hours pinned by a boulder against a canyon wall in Utah's Blue John Canyon, in 2003. Ralston spent the next five days drinking his own urine, videotaping his goodbyes, and drifting in and out of delusion, until he realized his last resort. His exhaustive trial climaxed when Ralston, now 35, pulled out his du