Edmonton's Heritage Festival 2015

This melting pot we call home will be on full display at the 40th annual Heritage Festival this August long weekend by emil tiedema nn E DMONTON is without a doubt a diverse city, a virtual smorgasbord of citizens and visitors from around the world, stretching over six continents and more than a hundred countries. Just look around your workplace, visit a shopping centre, or scour your friends list on Facebook, and you'll notice faces that represent all corners of the globe. One of the 85+ cultures that will be represented at the Heritage Fest! That's something that we should not only be proud of, but something that we need to continue to recognize and to celebrate. Diversity is what Canada is all about after all; it's what we were built on and how we flourished as a nation. It's also one of the many encouraging reasons why we stand out from most of the rest of the world. The Servus Heritage Festival ( August 1-3 ) in William Hawrelak Park is how Edmonto...