11 Reasons to Look Forward to Winter in Edmonton
Edmonton has learned to embrace its winter months with arms wide op en! by emil tiedemann W E tend to panic just a little bit as soon as October hits Edmonton, because we are all aware that that means we're headed into the season of scraping ice off of our windshields as we let our vehicles warm up. All we can think of is cold and snowy conditions, even though that's not always the case for those winter months. Sometimes we get lucky, and our Edmonton winter is mild compared to previous seasons , such as last winter's unseaso nabl y warm temperatures. Wintertime in Edmonton is picturesque! However, no matter the conditions, there are those folks who just HATE winter in Edmonton! And it's for those people that I wanted to put together a list of reasons why they should actually look forward to these upcoming months. There's always a silver lining, after all. So, without further ado, here are 1 1 reasons to look forward to winter (and the months pr...