Happy New Year, Edmonton!

10, 9, 8, 7, 6....

IT'S only hours before we say goodbye (& good riddance) to 2011, and gladly welcome in 2012. I know many of you have already begun the festivities & celebrations, and others are in fact days in. Others, not so much. Whatever the case, 'I Heart Edmonton' wants to say thank you for all your support in '11, Edmonton. I know we were only half-assin' it this year, but we're gonna try and full-ass it this time 'round. That's right, I just say FULL-ASS!! Also, we hope 2012 is good to all of you, better or even better than 2011 was.

Please continue to check in when you can, don't drink & drive, play safe, use protection, don't eat yellow snow, no means no, and all that other hoopla. Take care, Edmonton, and see you in the new year. Happy 2012!!!!

Emil Tiedemann,
"I Heart Edmonton"
December 31, 2011


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