Backstage With Franti

KNOW, I know, it's been two weeks (April 4) since John Mayer and opening act Michael Franti & Spearhead spoiled us in concert at Rexall Place, so why am I revisiting the Easter Sunday show now?

I'm glad you asked! It was only the other day that my good friend Misty reminded me to check out Franti's official website, where the California-born singer-songwriter likes to upload footage from his concerts.

The video clip below was shot backstage at Rexall that night, in which Franti briefly reminisced about the year he spent living in Edmonton, back in the '80s. In fact, joining him backstage was his grade 9 basketball coach, while his Nigerian drummer Manas Itene tries to spell out "Edmonton" and "Oilers" for the camera. He fails miserably.

Anyways, feel free to check out the clip for yourself, and then maybe head to his MySpace page to see the kinda talent Edmonton can and does harbour.


  1. Thanks for posting the video! I'm a big Michael Franti fan, but didn't go to the concert so it was fun to see!

    He said he'll be back later in the summer, I hope he means for folk fest because the hill folks love him!

  2. Shout out to me!!! Glad you checked it out and decided to use it on your blog!
    The spelling of the Edmonton Oilers was hilarious! And I am hoping to see him again in the summer! Save the date Emil...LOL

  3. I know he's played at the Folk Fest before, so I'm gonna assume he was referring to that when he said he'd be back in the summer.

    I'd definitely like to see him again, wherever it will be.


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