Some Good News For Once...

Local headlines usually focus on the bad and the ugly, but not these ones...

I HEART Edmonton is fully aware that there's an abundance of shitty things going on all over the world, as well as right here in our own neck of the woods. But our days are crammed with these ongoing updates of car accidents, earthquakes & hurricanes, homicides, suicides, war & terrorists, etc., etc., etc. So, let I Heart bring you some good news for once.

The Edmonton Examiner
-Fashion industry going eco-friendly
-Bike-a-thon helps build new home
-Students design recyclable dresses
-Thunder capture bronze at Esso Cup

The Unknown Studio
-Episode the 23rd: Music, Edmonton and Erica Viegas (pictured below)

Citytv Edmonton
-Helping a family a world away (video)
-Her memory lives on/ Katherine Hay (video)

The Edmonton Journal
-Mandel proposes LRT expansion without raising taxes
-Edmonton city council gives thumbs up to Jerry Forbes Centre
-Korean foundation eyes multicultural centre
-Project's goals to reduce speed, save lives

SEE Magazine
-Zombie car wash a bloody good time for a good cause
-Next Gen looking for Pecha Kucha submissions
-The 'Gay-by' Boom

Global News Edmonton
-Global's Woman of Vision for May/ Vivian Forest (video)
-Global's Athlete of the Week/ Kyle Clemmer (video)

The Edmonton Sun
-Claim on winning $41.7M Lotto Max ticket being verified
-Family restaurant show up for international award

Metro News Edmonton
-Edmontonians embrace city's fourth annual craft show (pictured above)
-Esks move up in draft
-More than 500 people go from streets to homes

-Do you know TED?



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