We Were On a Break!

HEY Edmonton, I just wanted to give you an update on the future of I Heart Edmonton, for anyone who cares. I know that many of you have lost your reason for getting up in the morning when you read that "WE WERE ON A BREAK" (Ross, Friends)! But I've come to the realization that the world is just not the same without our little site. By the way, for any of you without a sense of humour, I'm a sarcastic kinda guy, so please don't think that I actually believe I Heart Edmonton is the best thing since sliced bread.

And while we're on the subject, I don't think sliced bread is all that great, so....

Anyways, what I'm saying is that I Heart Edmonton will be back soon (early April). I'm pretty excited to get back to work on this hyperlocal venture that gives me (and you) an insight on all the things going on in our amazing city, as well as all the innovative and intriguing projects in the works. Edmonton has a bright future, and I hope I Heart Edmonton will be there along for the ride.

But, there will be some changes to the site that I hope you beautiful & sexy readers welcome with open arms. First things first, we plan on having a couple of additional contributors to I Heart, who will bring their own strong opinions to any given number of issues that are happening in Edmonton. In fact, for anyone who is interested in submitting something to I Heart (and who can spell better than 90% of my Facebook "friends"), then please feel free to contact me at emerx2@hotmail.com. Your photos are also welcome.

Secondly, I Heart Edmonton will be going for quality rather than quantity. What that means is that we don't expect to produce as much material as we had in the past (though that's just in theory), so as to offer more interesting and informative things for you to skim over or ignore altogether. That's just my sarcasm kicking in again.

Thirdly, there will be a new design to I Heart, because outer beauty is simply more important than inner beauty. I joke! Hopefully, you will enjoy the new look as much as I force myself to...once I come up with one. There will be a few other smaller changes as well, but they're all for the better, I assure you. Also, if any of you gorgeous readers of I Heart have any suggestions for us, feel free to contact me, again at emerx2@hotmail.com. And we also have Twitter and Facebook pages if you prefer to contact us that way instead.

So, as I Heart Edmonton moves forward I hope that you will join us, and welcome us back into your home, or workplace if you don't have a scrupulous boss such as myself. Thank you for baring with us while I Heart took a breather, and for visiting the site in the first place. Take care for now Edmonton and see you soon!

Emil Tiedemann,
I Heart Edmonton


  1. looking forward to your comeback iheart

  2. "and who can spell better than 90% of my Facebook friends"...LOL!!!

    Awaiting your return.....so glad your sticking around:):)

  3. Thanks Mist...It's probably closer to 95%

  4. Draft Blogger has some nifty new templates available in the Layout section (Template Designer). They come pretty darn close to being as pretty as Wordpress templates and are very customizable.


    Looking forward to the comeback!

  5. Yeah I noticed that Lisa...talk about great timing, eh?!


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