Reason #32 of '101 Reasons Why I Heart Edmonton'

The Food

By Emil Tiedemann

There’s a #foodie revolution happening in Edmonton, just ask any of the growing number of food bloggers and social media gluttons online. They’ve been pretty busy telling us about the delectable delights that are all of a sudden all over town, as exciting new cafes and eateries pop up mostly - but not exclusively - in the downtown and Old Strathcona regions. 

The culinary scene in Edmonton has finally earned some respect and is no longer just that place where big U.S. franchises come to test the waters before expanding throughout the rest of the country. Nope, we’ve evolved into something kind of like the Portland or Atlanta of Canada, this sort of overlooked market for emerging chefs and their maverick menus. 

Some dishes from some of Edmonton's best eateries (photos by Linda Hoang).

And now we’ve become spoiled, our palates refined, our taste buds pampered by the ever-progressive and devotedly tasteful dishes from restaurants like Corso 32, Guru, Hardware Grill, Japonais Bistro, The Marc, Meat, NongBu, North 53, RGE RD, Rostizado, SABOR, Three Boars, Tres Carnales, Zinc...I could go on! 

But it’s not just the fact that the city is abuzz with all the tantalizing places to grab a bite to eat, it’s also what we’re eating. And what we’re eating is local! That’s right, many (perhaps most) of these trendy restaurants are proudly serving locally-grown or locally-raised meats, grains, fruits & veggies, spices, and even beers and wines. Local supporting local. 

So, the next time you feel that rumbling in your belly, take some Pepto, but also rethink where you might end up eating. Skip the chain establishments eating up much of the real estate across the city, and give something local a try. #yegfood


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