Why Do You Want to Run for City Council/Mayor?

By Emil Tiedemann

Since February, I have asked every person running for Edmonton's Mayor and City Council in 2021 the same 10 questions, to allow Edmontonians a chance to get to know a little bit about each candidate and what they stand for. So far, more than half of the 85 candidates have responded to my questionnaire. 

One of the questions I have asked each candidate is, "Why do you want to run for City Council / Mayor?" Although it may not tell you everything you would want to know about the candidate or give you an in-depth look into their background and their platforms, it's a starter question that sheds a light on the intentions of each candidate. It can tell us what inspired them to run in the first place, or why they might be the right candidate for you and your community. 

That is why I wanted to collect each candidate's answer to this particular question and present them here. Perhaps some of these responses will stand out to you and inspire you to vote for that candidate in the upcoming election (Monday, October 18), or at least encourage you to learn more about them. 

The responses listed below are in alphabetical order according to each candidate's surname. If you would like to read the entire questionnaire of a candidate, just click their name. And if you want to see ALL of the candidates running in the 2021 Edmonton Municipal Election, click HERE

One more thing: advance voting will take place from Monday, October 4 to Wednesday, October 13, including Thanksgiving Monday (Oct. 11). 


"Why Do You Want to Run 
for City Council/Mayor?"

- Gino Akbari (Ward O-day'min): "I love this city. It has given me a home and so much more. My family made Edmonton our home 15 years back after my wife and I graduated from university and we are enthusiastic Edmonton promoters. It is a city with a small community spirit, where we pull together and support one another. It is a community that supports the arts and local small businesses. And Edmonton has so many beautiful parks and trails for walking, biking and hiking. I want to give back to my home - to work with our community to help revitalize our downtown, to support local small businesses and the arts, to ensure we have good paying jobs for our community members, and to make it affordable for average people and their families to live, work and play in our downtown core."

- Gerard Mutabazi Amani (Ward Dene): "Whether it’s employment, volunteering on the frontlines, leading events, moderating or speaking at events, I am always driven by the desire to transform people’s lives and build a better, inclusive, and prosperous Edmonton for all. It is for these reasons why I have decided to run for City Council in the 2021 City of Edmonton Municipal Election for Ward Dene formerly known as Ward 4. Given the opportunity to serve the residents of Ward Dene and wider Edmonton on the City Council, everyday my driving question will be, how can I help to improve the situation?"

- Guiscela Perez Arellano (Ward pihêsiwin): "As an immigrant, a person of colour, and a young woman, I don’t feel represented or see myself reflected by our current city council. I am originally from Mexico and I have lived in Germany and France. Edmonton has been my chosen home for the last 10 years. I am one of you, I am your neighbour, and I care about our collective opportunities and challenges. I have always been involved in my communities. I am action-oriented, I speak four different languages, and I bring a global perspective to all that I do. For me, this election is about representation, resilience, and accountability. I know many people in our community don't feel that their voices are heard. I am here to change that. When elected, I will invite and diversify the voices included in City Council policy creation and decision-making, while taking action on local issues that are important to all of us."

- Gabrielle Battiste (Ward O-day'min): "My home, my family and my businesses are in the Ward. Decisions made at the Council level have affected me on all levels and I’ve witnessed the impact they have had on my neighbours. We need to move away from conflicting and ad hoc decision-making directed at replicating an ideology; to a focused and more purposeful approach that creates a safe & effective community for everyone. I want to create a community that respects & uplifts small and local business, is safe for families, the elderly and children to walk around in, and encourages healthy & active living. Diversity & Inclusion are important to me. Our society needs more women in positions of mentorship and influence with equal voices. I want to set an example for young women - that they can do and become anything they want, no matter what life has thrown their way. And, I have a 27-year-old son and I know the challenges that families experience trying to keep their kids safe, find them affordable accommodations and keep our best and brightest here through innovation. I want to focus on creating an Edmonton for Edmontonians. I have the life experience, education and training to hit the ground running without the same learning curve as others – and I have fresh ideas. I know how to build consensus through hard work and I want Edmontonians to hold me accountable for achieving success. As a city, we are at a critical juncture and need focused and accountable individuals with the right experience to lead us forward. I believe I bring the passion and experience to create an Edmonton that works for all of us."

- Rob Bernshaw (Ward Métis): "I have a passion for the voice of the people to BE HEARD. I have seen over the years where City Hall has lost the faith and trust of the people. That trust and Faith needs to be brought back by building a better relationship between the public and City Council. For the voice of the people to BE HEARD in a representative democracy, a better job of listening needs to occur."

- Cody Bondarchuk (Ward tastawiyiniwak (ᑕᐢᑕᐃᐧᔨᓂᐊᐧᐠ)): "I’m running to be effective, to get things done, and to materially improve the city I love. I have been interested in politics and governance my entire life, and see this opportunity as a chance to improve things for Edmontonians. Too many people have felt jaded and disconnected from the political system in the last few years because they don’t see their lives improving – with some exceptions, politicians talk about the initiatives they want to champion and the policies they want to improve, but little action actually happens."

- Adrian Bruff (Ward O-day'min): "I have decided to run for public office because of my background, qualifications, experience, and ties to the community, as well as my vision to make Edmonton one of the best places to live, raise a family, invest and retire. I believe we can accomplish this by revitalizing neighbourhoods, supporting small businesses and prioritizing sustainability."

- Tim Cartmell(Ward pihêsiwin): "The next few years will be very challenging for Edmonton. As the Covid pandemic diminishes (and eventually it will), Edmontonians will develop a new set of ordinary personal habits.  We will go back to working from our workplace or attending classes in person - but maybe not every day. We will get back to daily exercise - but maybe not always inside a recreation centre. The City of Edmonton will have to be nimble and adaptive to that revised way of everyday living, and offer residents the services and amenities they will then need. Between my experience on Council and my previous education and experience in the private sector, I believe I have a lot to offer to the governance of the City of Edmonton as we move through this very challenging time."

- Rick Comrie (Mayoral): "Our city is desperate for true leadership! The taxpayer is being shunned by an Ideology void of democracy."

- Bev Esslinger(Ward Anirniq): "Edmonton is at a very pivotal time as we need to come together to create a compassionate, welcoming city where everyone is valued and has the opportunity to thrive. I want to be part of building that kind of city. I think my experiences and passion demonstrate that I put people first and want to build on that. We need to “build back better” as we recover from the pandemic and economic challenges we face with limited resources. It will take collaboration, commitment and prioritizing to build that city. I have demonstrated an ability to be collaborate and work with others to do the work. Overall, I want to build a strong future for every Edmontonian."

- Susan Field (Ward papastew): "I love Edmonton! I feel happiest when I am building community connections, and helping people solve problems and fulfill their dreams. I feel the City is veering off course and I want to focus on our core responsibilities of serving Edmontonians. We are leaving so many people and businesses behind.  My business background would be a fresh perspective on City Council – from what I can tell I’m the only papastew candidate with both significant business and community experience."

- Giselle General (Ward sipiwiyiniwak): "A life principle I live by is "be the change you want to see" and I'm passionate about contributing to the community to make our world a better place. I strongly believe that I many people's experiences and values need to be better represented in elected office, so I'm throwing my name in the race."

Muhammad Herman Gill (Ward Karhiio): "I wanted to run for city council because I have a background in public service and taking community initiatives, and I genuinely believe that I can make a positive difference in the ward and city. At the core, helping people is what I strive to do and running for council is my way of trying to further that."

- Kirsten Goa (Ward papastew): "Edmonton is changing and changing fast. We need to adapt quickly to cope with the challenges we face, but we also have an opportunity to shape our future together if we do it right. Change is hard and all of these pressures are overwhelming. If we don’t bring Edmontonians into the decision making process for navigating and shaping all of this change, we will not succeed. Helping our community navigate and shape change has been my work for over a decade. My experience working on community initiatives and on City policies in areas such as public engagement, land-use, affordable housing, energy-efficiency retrofitting, and community economic development have prepared me to find creative and strategic ways to address the challenges we face and bring Edmontonians together, from all walks of life, to participate in the process. I am running for City Council because I love our City and I want it to be a place where my children and future generations are able to thrive."

- Brian "Breezy" Gregg (Mayoral): "First I feel I have some insights to offer society regarding the importance of communicating naturally instead of forcing ideology on voters with paid advertising that is intended to manipulate and influence their political choices. Running for Mayor and even more so serving as mayor allows me to bring this vision forward."

- Andy Andrzej Gudanowski (Ward Dene): "I'm just fulfilling my civic duty, duty to God, People and the Country. Every Christian who has reached the age of 45 should do the same. Should be devoted himself to the local community, city or country. The Canadian constitutional law also expresses the obligations of the citizen. Therefore, every adult citizen of Canada should take an active part in the social and political activities of the country."

- Sarah Hamilton(Ward sipiwiyiniwak): "I’m running for re-election because our city is undergoing significant change; economically, environmentally and demographically. We are facing formidable challenges that require experienced, knowledgeable and creative leadership to help us navigate the next four years. I’m running again because I want to continue to tackle these challenges, champion safety and resiliency for our businesses and community, and implement timely, impactful solutions for sustainable core services – building the best city for our collective success today and positioning us for an even brighter tomorrow. I’m running because the last four years have shown me that leadership requires collaboration, bravery, ingenuity, and empathy. I love our city, and our spirit of tenacity, innovation and creativity resonates deeply with me. We’re an innovative city that has a bright future ahead – and I’m running again because I will get us there."

- Scott Hayes (Ward sipiwiyiniwak): "We are at a critical moment where the city needs new innovation and companies that will help build a greener more prosperous Edmonton. We need to prepare for the population changes that are coming our way. The city needs to be re engineered in a way that supports our expected population changes."

- Daniel Heikkinen (Ward sipiwiyiniwak): "I wanted to run for council to serve the public and represent the people. I feel our current city council doesn't do enough to listen to the people and respond to their concerns."

- Derek Hlady (Ward sipiwiyiniwak): "I am running for Council because I have felt over the last while that many voices in Edmonton are not being heard. I dislike divisiveness and I believe that we can come up with better solutions by working together rather than fighting one another, by taking into account the needs and desires of all Edmontonians. There is no reason why we can’t plan and build for the future while treating everyone equally and with respect."

- Rhiannon Hoyle (Ward Ipiihkoohkanipiaohtsi): "I am running because public service is my life passion, I have a deep love for community building. I have been passionately volunteering and serving our city for over 20 years from the downtown core to suburbs helping youth, families, seniors, newcomers from all walks of life. As a city, we are hard pressed by the ongoing pandemic, and are in the wake of its damage to our sense of belonging, our economy, and our businesses. We have seen like never before the gaps that exist between communities. We are at a critical time when true leadership means stepping up to boldly make change for the better, looking for common ground and having the difficult conversations about our future, the tradeoffs and how we will move our city forward in a prosperous and positive way for all. I believe that “better” can be achieved. Despite the immense challenges that we face, there is hope in our city: we have vibrant communities that throw themselves into fostering love and wellbeing. We have beautiful parks and river valleys for all to enjoy. We have businesses that feed our families, make us feel better, heal us, and help us. We have innovative and talented people who are building our future. And I have plans to nurture the best of what Edmonton has to offer, so together we can create a strong, thriving, and caring Edmonton. You will not find someone who is more ready or willing to do the hard and necessary work to collaboratively empower our citizens, build trust, and foster a strong sense of accountability. Especially in these challenging times, we need to elect strong leaders who will build effective collaborative relationships, take action and be accountable."

- Michael Janz (Ward papastew): "When members of the community asked me to run, I heard the same sentiments from so many of them- that our community needs an experienced, trusted and proven advocate for the public good who will put the needs of the people they represent first and foremost. I’m running to help make the best parts of our city even better and to continue building happy and healthy communities that are more livable and affordable for all ages, wages, and stages. As we recover from the pandemic, we have an unprecedented opportunity to invest in strong core public services and build a city that prioritizes the wellbeing of people and the environment: a strong local economy, inclusive neighbourhoods, and urgent action on the climate emergency. I wasn’t born in Edmonton, but I know what brought me and kept me here: tourism, education, community, opportunity. I know that I can work collaboratively with partners to make sure that decisions at City Hall are in service of building the power and voice of residents in our neighbourhoods. I will work tirelessly in support of a just, inclusive, climate-resilient future. That’s why I’ve earned the endorsements of progressive community leaders such as former city councillors (Michael Phair, Allan Bolstad), provincial MLAs (Sarah Hoffman, Raj Pannu, Raj Sherman), MPs (Linda Duncan) and many other local activists, business owners, neighbourhood leaders, and friends."

- Scott Johnston (Ward Ipiihkoohkanipiaohtsi): "I want to run because I am hoping to put my decades of experience as a journalist covering city hall to productive use. I want to help restore confidence in Edmonton’s small business community and ensure our neighbourhoods are safe and vibrant. Edmonton is facing a number of once-in a generation challenges all at once. While the pandemic has caused massive job losses, our city has also faced political challenges from other levels of government through funding cuts. In Ipiikhookhanipiaohtsi, there is palpable frustration among small business owners. All too often, their priorities have been ignored by city hall. That being said, there are many bright spots in Edmonton. Ipiihkoohkanipiaohtsi is a great part of the city to live in. Housing is robust, 15-minute communities are being created, and a new high school with an attached recreation centre is being built. So despite the challenges we are facing, I am encouraged, and I think I am the right person to represent the ward at this pivotal time."

- Liz John-West (Ward Métis): "I am running for City Council  to be the voice that addresses the unique challenges  facing Ward Métis. I believe with me working on council, people can be confident in knowing that their local representative is listening to their voice and recognizes the many things that make our Ward such a great place to live. Our Ward's incredible mix of cultures, people, and backgrounds all combine to make the mature neighbourhoods and business centers one of the most diverse and unique places to live in Edmonton. I want to ensure that our specific local issues around affordable housing, access to effective transportation, and the unique needs of mature neighbourhoods have someone with a deep and meaningful connection to the community representing them in local government. I want to build a better Edmonton, and I think that running for City Council is the best way to do that."

- Harman Singh Kandola (Ward Sspomitapi): "This ward is tired of being forgotten at city hall. We want to raise our children in neighborhoods where they can grow and play in nice parks, have their identity celebrated, have a robust inclusive economy with a good job waiting for them. We want them to have a better future than ours. They deserve better. We want to see our local front-line heroes being respected- not waiting in the rain or snow for the next bus. They deserve better. We want to see our seniors having the chance to age in the community, stay part of our families. They deserve better. Politicians love to talk about our neighborhoods as some distant world. They love to pit stop through these parts and “consult” us, tell us their solutions, but are we being heard? Are they actually taking the time to learn about us? It’s easy to understand then why the residents of Sspomitapi want a fighter to stand up for them in City Hall."

- Andrew Knack (Ward Nakota Isga): "I am running for City Council so that we can build a safer, more vibrant, and more resilient city filled with opportunity."

- Glynnis Lieb (Ward Ipiihkoohkanipiaohtsi): "Edmonton is a wonderful city. It is the progressive hub of Alberta. It has so much potential. Yet, we are being slowed in our progress by continuing to populate leadership positions with people for whom the system has always worked and are content to keep doing things the same way they’ve always been done, even if they don’t work for everyone else. The past few years have seen so much of what we were accustomed to be shaken up and challenged. We have seen the thin guise of civility torn off and the not-so-pretty truth of the extent to which social inequity still exists be shown. We have also had our ways of life, our work, and our interactions be probably forever changed. I believe that people are frustrated and anxious and fed up with doing things the same ways that just aren’t working. Now is the time to make bold changes that we know will make our city stronger and our neighbourhoods a more vibrant, rewarding home for ALL residents. I decided that, instead of desperately hoping that someone would step up and run as a voice for working families and people who never get seriously prioritized, I would step up and be that person."

- Cori Longo (Ward Métis): "The reason I wanted to run for City Council is really straightforward - I want to help make the lives better of regular Edmontonians. I think that often decisions are made at the city level that benefit Edmonton’s most wealthy and well connected. But I want to amplify the concerns of working families and community residents. Additionally, I believe we need the voice of a working mom on City Council. So many decisions made by city council impact families and I think a working mom’s perspective is needed at the table, someone who will stand against more conservative style cuts."

- Caroline Matthews (Ward Métis): "I am running for Edmonton City Council because residents deserve to be Heard, not Told what city priorities are. We are seeing a reduction in the customer service and value provided by the city on a number of issues. This needs to be addressed."

- Salar Melli (Ward Métis): "As a youth soccer coach, I am very interested in youth development and see it as a worthy investment into the future of Edmonton. Additionally, many young Edmontonians have been negatively affected by the ongoing drug abuse crisis in our city. Everyday, I see the harm and pain this inflicts on our community and in my Ward. Our City and communities are also being affected by homelessness, an extremely urgent and growing concern. I’m planning to raise my daughter in Ward Métis, and these and other issues motivated me to run for City Council. I am invested in Alberta Avenue, in Edmonton, and I want to contribute to building resilient communities that our children are proud to call home."

- Mohammed Migdaddy (Ward O-day'min): "People needs city councillor who understands their needs and I think I do."

- Jon Morgan (Ward Ipiihkoohkanipiaohtsi): "I'm running for Edmonton City Council because I see a disparity between the decisions made at the top, and what those decisions mean to the people and communities they affect. Having worked on the ground with transit through the pandemic, I'm concerned that what is asked of frontline workers has been inappropriate to their roles. This has contributed to mental health issues and trauma for staff, community members, and those we serve. I would like to see more community involvement, engagement, empowerment, and solid action on homelessness that includes supports for mental health and housing first solutions, while keeping services publicly owned to ensure accountability, stability, sustainable development, and action on environmental protection."

- Lana Palmer (Ward Dene): "I am running for city council because I want our city to be successful and innovative. We need an agile city that is adaptable to the new economy. Things are changing, and we saw that play out very clearly with Covid 19 and how we all had to pivot and adapt in so many aspects of our lives. Change is here to stay, and we need to adjust and learn how to operate differently. I believe I have the analytical skills, education, drive, and intuition to help us move in that direction. I bring a voice of moderation. I do not believe we need to be radical to succeed; we need to be intelligent and strategic."

- Karen Principe (Ward tastawiyiniwak (ᑕᐢᑕᐃᐧᔨᓂᐊᐧᐠ)): "Many constituents have expressed their disappointment with the current state of tax dollar mismanagement. We need more accountability. I am concerned with the direction my community is headed. Within the ward of tastawiyiniwak there is increasing densification and decreasing services. This just doesn't make sense and has potential to create an imbalanced, unhealthy community. I have been an active member of this community for 23 years and realize we need change. I know I can make a difference."

- Erin Rutherford (Ward Anirniq): "I’m running to put my knowledge, passion, and skills to work creating an Edmonton for all."

- Ashley Salvador (Ward Métis): "I love our city and care deeply about its future. I’m passionate about local government and have been active at the municipal level long before I decided to run for office. Municipal government is the level of government that is closest to the people, where we can take major steps to help fight climate change, address community safety and wellbeing, and build a more compassionate, prosperous, and sustainable future. Right now, we need leaders who can bring a fresh perspective to City Hall with the skills, knowledge, and experience required to be effective on day one. With so many plans, strategies, and reports already on the table, the next four years are going to be about implementation, execution, and follow through. We need to elect councillors who have the courage to take action on climate change, build a more equitable and inclusive society, and recover socially and economically from Covid-19. That’s where I see myself bringing a lot of value to Edmontonians. The residents of Ward Métis deserve a councillor who understands the fundamentals of city building, and how City Hall works, so they can handle the details and think about the big picture, while responding to emerging needs from constituents. Having a vision for a more sustainable, equitable, and prosperous city is important, but knowing which levers to pull on, how to elevate ongoing work, and how to work collaboratively alongside other City Councillors to achieve it is critical for success. My previous experiences working within municipal government and urban redevelopment have grounded my perspective, ensuring I’m ready to work with other members of council and administration for Edmontonians so that our city is a place where everyone can thrive and belong, feel a sense of community, and contribute to a more sustainable future."

- Tarcy Schindelka (Ward papastew): "I’m tired of services on a continued downward spiral, while taxes increase.  We aren’t getting value for our tax dollars from City Hall any more.  The utter lack of efficiency in city departments is frustrating for a lot of people, including myself."

- Tom Shaw (Ward Karhiio): "I've lived in Karhiio my entire life—and have no intention of changing that.  I have the same concerns about my community and City as my neighbours. I understand people, our environment and culture, our challenges, and our advantages. I see into details for viability in initiatives, I make sure every dollar counts, I concentrate on proper implementation, I successfully and continually advocate for what matters in our community, and I am able to promote appropriate practices for our betterment. I am committed to successfully continuing as a community representative and advocate, to providing ongoing, meaningful engagement, and most importantly to be a locally accessible friend and neighbour. Although I’ve never had previous aspirations for City Council, my commitment to community work, my educational background, my personable and engaging nature, and my career experience have prepared me to be successful in this representative role as Ward Karhiio Councillor."

- Amarjeet Sohi (Mayoral): "I love this city. Edmonton has given me so many opportunities since I immigrated here from India. I’ve worked in the public service, I’ve been part of sports teams and arts organizations. I really believe in giving back to this place. It’s why I served as a city councillor from 2007 to 2015, and then as a federal minister from 2015 to 2019. But my story isn’t that unique. There are thousands of people in this city with similar experiences. And not all of them have had the same opportunities as me. I want to help those people succeed in Edmonton, as I have. And through my years of experience, I’ve developed the leadership skills, the knowledge and the temperament needed to be the city’s mayor."

- Diana Steele (Mayoral): "I feel a responsibility to step forward to offer a different kind of political leader. I am nonpartisan. I am not beholden to any political party. In fact, I am not political at all. I am simply here to make the best decisions for the city and its citizens no matter where those ideas may originate from. I have passion and lead from the heart and believe in servant leadership. I am here to serve all the citizens of Edmonton."

- Anne Stevenson (Ward O-day'min): "I’m passionate about building communities that are resilient, efficient, and inclusive. That’s why I became a city planner and why I now work in affordable housing. I’m excited to bring my knowledge and experience to Council to help us navigate a successful recovery from the pandemic."

- Keren Tang (Ward Karhiio): "I have committed my entire career to city-building. I have seen what cities can do when communities and city staff roll up their sleeves together to tackle thorny local issues; what the private sector can do when entrepreneurs, investors, and service providers form relationships and even friendships; and what individual Edmontonians can do when they march to city hall and the legislature. I am running for city council because today, more than ever, we need leaders that can restore trust in democracy, renew our faith in each other, and unleash our collective creativity to build a city that works as well today as it will for our grandchildren. I’m a bridge-builder. I’m a facilitator. I’m a doer. I look forward to doing a heck of a lot with Edmontonians as your City Councillor."

- Steven Townsend (Ward Métis): "I have an absolute passion for the City of Edmonton! Growing up in Edmonton, I came from not having much in terms of material wealth. Edmonton is the kind of place where people can build a dream with our can-do spirit, and Edmontonians are supportive and genuinely want to see each other succeed. As a small business owner and operator, I understand the importance of staying on budget. I am always finding niche ways to make things work, looking for more efficient ways to do things without cutting corners. Over the years, I have been involved in my community in various capacities, from starting a community garden to being the President of my Community League. Working with community members, I have spearheaded many transformative projects and initiatives. I have also dedicated a lot of my time working with members of the community to find creative solutions to challenges and issues and identify opportunities based on community assets. I believe that as we are coming out from the pandemic, we need new and innovative ideas and a councillor with their ear to the ground in the community. Specifically, I believe Ward Métis folks need a councillor who shows up to their events and is engaged in the community so they can bring the community voices and capacity to council. I believe one of my greatest strengths as a candidate is that I am accessible and down to earth. I also have a passion for problem-solving that I would like to put to work on such issues as development and problem properties in our neighbourhoods, where I believe a balanced approach is necessary. I would also like to help find innovative solutions to diversify our economy based on my business background. Beyond business and development, I believe it is of paramount importance that we continue to support the tremendous arts, culture and festival scene in Edmonton that really puts our city on the map and unites us as Edmontonians."

- Byron Vass (Ward papastew): "I’ve always been deeply interested in City Council. Compared to provincial and federal government, municipal government has the most direct impact on our daily lives. What stirred me to run in this election was the birth of my son, the COVID pandemic, and changes to municipal election funding. The reason my son sparked my decision to run was all out of concern for the world we are going to leave him and his generation. The last decade has brought with it increasing divisions politically and more visible impacts from climate change. To turn things around we need leaders in public office that are willing to get beyond right v. left arguments and come up with solutions.Speaking to the pandemic, it is critical we have sensible leadership to design and implement a recovery strategy. With the Mayor and a number of Councillors deciding not to run this year, there is an even greater need for qualified, trustworthy candidates. Finally, with respect to changes in municipal election funding, I see this as inviting more political party influence on council. I strongly believe that there is no place for party politics in municipal government, regardless of the party with which a candidate is affiliated. I see a number of candidates with past or even current ties to various political parties and that concerns me. My promise to voters is that I will work with all fellow councillors to build support and achieve results."

- Steve Weston (Ward Nakota Isga): "I was thinking about the devastating effect that COVID-19 has had on the community, and  wondered how I could help people regroup after it’s finally over. Shortly after that, I was reading  about the changes in the upcoming election, and decided that being a city councillor would allow me to help on many different levels."

- Joshua Wolchansky (Ward O-day'min): "I’m a passionate Edmontonian who was raised to take care of my community. I grew up in Capilano, and went to school at Victoria School of the Arts from grades six to twelve. I now work downtown, teach in Queen Mary Park, and live in (soon-to-be-renamed) Oliver. You can usually spot me either riding my bike, on a patio with a beer in hand, or taking in a local show or festival. I’m running to be the next O’day-min Councillor because I love this city. I will invest in our city’s future and put people first as we recover from the pandemic. I have learned valuable skills through my experience in public service, in being a part of our arts and live entertainment community, and my volunteer service. I look forward to putting those skills to use as a Councillor. I will step up to take care of the social and housing crisis, reignite the downtown core, address climate change, and invest in our neighbourhoods. Let’s get to work. Our communities can’t wait."

- Jo-Anne Wright (Ward Sspomitapi): "I want to provide the residents of Ward Sspomitapi a strong voice on City Council and to bring forward their concerns and ideas so that individuals and families can continue to make a good life here in Edmonton.  I am committed to being a truly representative councillor and to push Council in a positive direction."

Tyler Zutz (Ward Anirniq): "I have decided to run because I want to represent and inspire Edmontonians. I am tired of politicians justifying poor decisions. I believe that our representatives have lost their way and I no longer believe that they understand what real accountability looks like. I want to change that conversation, and forge a new type of relationship between constituents and representatives. I believe there is a better way forward."


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