'I Heart Edmonton,' 2009-2012...

After three years and endless memories and experiences, it's time that we say our goodbyes...


'I Heart Edmonton'!
OVER the past three years I asked myself on several occasions if it was time to end this blog. Each time, I was unsure, worried that I was making the wrong decision. Well, as 'I Heart Edmonton' celebrated its three-year anniversary last week, that looming question came up once again. And yes, I again struggled somewhat with it, but deep down I knew the answer this time.


It felt like I was giving up on a good friend, saying goodbye to something that's been a big part of my life for three years now. But, at the same time, I felt relief. Because it meant that I can now focus my time on other passions of mine, such as photography, or travelling, or even writing a book some day. Besides, it felt as though 'I Heart' had run its course, that it was time to move on to something else.

I'll always be glad that I started 'I Heart' during the summer of '09, and thankful that folks--from around the world, apparently--stayed tuned in to what I had to say about this amazing city of ours. And appreciative, for all the peeps who helped me or participated along the way.

Perhaps sometime in the future, who knows when, I'll return to 'I Heart Edmonton' and kick off a brand new start. But that's just a thought. So, I guess I should say goodbye one last time, and see what else is out there for me. But not without saying one more, big THANK YOU, Edmonton!! Cheers!

Emil Tiedemann, 
"I Heart Edmonton"


  1. Emil,

    I wanted to congratulate you on the amazing job that you have done over the three years. I can't believe it has only been three!! Feels like ten. I had such a great time hanging out with you and meeting new people, while experiencing the amazing city we call home. I can't wait to see what your next project is...whatever it is, we all know you will do great! As always. I am sad to see "I Heart Edmonton" go...but, on to the next!!! Cheers big brother ;)

    -Sister Carrie

  2. Congrats on three years Emil! Blogging is hard work but you produced some really great stuff. Hope to see you back in the blogosphere at some point in the future!

  3. Congratulations on making it to three years but I am sorry to see I Heart Edmonton go. I was a regular reader, good luck with whatever the future holds.


  4. Whatcha talkin bout Willis? I had no idea how exciting and beautiful this city actually was until your blog came along! And I lived here for 10 yrs in the 90's!! I am sad to see it go my friend. But I wish you the best of luck in the future. I do have one request though. Could you give it an appropriate send off by reviewing the Magic Mike movie? Love ya Emes:)

  5. Thanks for sharing your Edmonton with the rest of us!

    Good luck with the next and new adventures.

  6. Thank you everyone, I appreciate the kind words. Cheers!


  7. I read your blog once in a while, it was on my favorites. Too bad to see it go.



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